Women’s Soul Medicine Circle

Join the Soul Medicine Sistarhood

A heart-centred connection group for women to be seen, heard, understood, supported and guided if desired.

An opportunity to explore your inner, and outer, world in a safe and non-judgmental space. Arrive as you are, whatever you’re going through. We’re not here to be pretty and perfect, but real and authentic. Be supported and celebrated. We are all here for one another. All of You is welcome.

To be advised. Subscribe below to receive more info and dates.

  • “Looking for a space to help me into finding a community to allow me to work on my own internal and external relationships. I entered circle with Indigo and some wonder women. This space provided a little something else; trust and connection. Heart-felt allowance. Respect and openness to my spirit and process. I found this space one of open listening, internal and external validation and fully being allowed to share as much or as little as I needed throughout the weeks. Many laughs and tears along the way. Indigo holds space in a way that’s very nurturing and true to her talents and abilities. There’s something so special when women come together If you’re looking for a space to help you in your own self-care ritual or just wanting to be held as a woman you may consider this beautiful space with Indigo-Grace.”

    D. Baldwin